Academic Publications
2023 Angella Mackey, Monserrat Vallejo de la Guarda, Oscar Tomico, Ron Wakkary, Troy Nachtigall, Martijn de Waal. 2023. Becoming Solar: Towards More-Than-Human Understandings of Solar Energy. Temes de Disseny. Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, Issue #39, 248-268.
2021 Angella Mackey. 2021. Rethinking Dynamic Fabric through Wearing and Designing. PhD thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology.
2020 Angella Mackey, Ron Wakkary, Stephan Wensveen, Annika Hupfeld, and Oscar Tomico. 2020. Alternative Presents for Dynamic Fabric. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’20), 351–364. EXPLANATORY VIDEO HERE:
2019 Kristina Andersen, Bruna Goveia, Oscar Tomico, Marina Toeters, Angella Mackey, and Troy Nachtigall. 2019. Digital craftsmanship in the wearable senses lab. In ISWC 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 257–260.
2019 Angella Mackey, Ron Wakkary, Stephan Wensveen, Annika Hupfeld, and Oscar Tomico. 2019. Satisfying a Conversation with Materials for Dynamic Fabrics. Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference, ACM, 1047–1058.
2019 Angella Mackey, Stephan Wensveen, Ron Wakkary, Annika Hupfeld, and Oscar Tomico. 2019. Wearing Digital Shimmers: A fashion-centric approach to wearable technology. In Proceedings of the Conference on Research Through Design. Delft, Netherlands: Delft University of Technology.
2017 Angella Mackey, Ron Wakkary, Stephan Wensveen, and Oscar Tomico. 2017. “Can I Wear This?” Blending Clothing and Digital Expression by Wearing Dynamic Fabric. International Journal of Design [Online] 11:3.
2017 Angella Mackey, Ron Wakkary, Stephan Wensveen, Oscar Tomico, and Bart Hengeveld. 2017. Day-to-day speculation: Designing and wearing dynamic fabric. In Proceedings of the Conference on Research Through Design (pp. 439-454). Edinburgh, Scotland: University of Edinburgh.
2016 Harrison, L., & Mackey, A. (2016). Futuring fashion from everyday life. In N. Spurling & L. Kuijer (Eds.), Everyday futures: Essay collection (pp. 16-22). Lancaster, UK: Institute for Social Futures, Lancaster University.
Design Books: Features & Mentions
2021 Ron Wakkary. Things We Could Design: For More Than Human-Centred Worlds, MIT Press, 2021, p 23-24, 164, 166-167, 166f, 167f, 177, 182, 190
2020 Elaine Igoe. Where surface meets depth: virtuality in textile and material design. In Y. Lee (Ed.), Surface and Apparition: The Immateriality of Modern Surface, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020, p 78, 87
2019 Barbara Brownie. Spacewear: Weightlessness and the Final Frontier of Fashion, Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2019, p 81
2019 Marina Toeters. Unfolding Fashion Tech: Pioneers of Bright Futures, Onomatopee Publishing, 2019, p 154-155
2015 Genova, Aneta and Moriwaki, Katherine. Guide to Fashion and Textile Technology: Materials and Methods, Fairchild/Bloomsbury, 2015
2015 Pailes-Friedman, Rebeccah. Designing with Smart Textiles, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, 2015
2014 Hartman, Kate. Make: Wearable Electronics: Design, Prototype, and Wear Your Own Interactive Garments. 1 edition. Sebastopol, CA: Maker Media, Inc, 2014, cover photo, p. 82, p. 234
Media Press & Mentions
"What's great about Vega Edge is that it's a fantastic way to play with this new type of fashion without having to over-commit." –Betakit
A Bike Light That You'll Want To Wear Around All Day, Fast Company, April 28th, 2014
VEGA EDGE: A wearable light that works with your wardrobe, Design Milk, April 14th, 2014
Found: A Wearable Light That's Unbelievably Stylish, Pop Sugar, April 14th, 2014
Kickstarter Round-Up 3, Singletrack Magazine, March 20th, 2014
Vega Edge Wearable Light For Cyclists, Ubergizmo, March 18th, 2014
Fashionable Light Up Accessories, Trend Hunter, March 17th, 2014
Grow Glow: Crowdfunded LED Projects, Make Blog, March 13th, 2014
Vega Edge is a wearable, hackable light, Atmel blog, March 13th, 2014
Vega Edge, A Magentic LED Brooch for Cyclists, Fashioning Tech, March 13th, 2014
Vega Edge the latest in wearable safety tech for peds and cyclists, Treehugger, March 13th, 2014
Toronto's Social Body Lab Wants to Light Up the World with Vega Edge, Betakit, March 11th, 2014
Safe Cyclist Apparel,, Sept 14th, 2012
Angella Mackey's Vega Collection, Adafruit, Feb 10th, 2012
Vega by Angella Mackey, We are Nowe, March 19th, 2012
High-tech fashion,, Nov 30th, 2011
7 Stylish Bike Safety Lights to Brighten your Green Ride, Inhabitat, Nov 26th, 2011
The Gadget Collection, Cosmopolitan Magazine (South African ed.), pg 160, July issue
Tecnologia para vestir (Technology to wear), Galileu Magazine (Brazil), pg 10-11, June issue
Easy Riders, The Wall Street Journal, Style & Fashion, pg D8, June 25th, 2011
Bright Idea, Martha Stewart's Whole Living magazine, pg 26, April issue
10 futuristic inventions in wearable tech, My Life Scoop, April 18th, 2011
Lighten up your trench, The Common Elite, April 12th, 2011
Angella Mackey + Vega, Curitiba Cycle Chic, April 6th, 2011
A stylish jacket for nocturnal cyclists, Ecouterre, April 1st, 2011
The Illuminated fashion line-up, ElectricFoxy, March 31st, 2011
Vega – a new light on the fashion horizon, Talk2MyShirt, March 28th, 2011
Vega Illuminated Coats, Fashioning Technology, March 23rd, 2011
Pretty illuminating, Velojoy, March 18th, 2011
Lights, safety, fashion, The Independent, March 17th, 2011
From Toronto to Borås, Mods Magazine, Feb 17th, 2011
The Light Brigade, The London Evening Standard, Oct 6th, 2010
Best of Ecouterre: 6 Glow-in-the-dark Gear for Cycling at Night, TreeHugger, July 23rd, 2010
Safe and stylish cycling, Fashionology, May 6th, 2010
Angella Mackey's Light-Up LED Bike Coat is High on Visibility, Ecouterre, May 4th, 2010
Stylish Illuminated Bike Garments, ElectricFoxy, May 2nd, 2010
Illuminated Bicycle Coat looks great!, Gizmodiva, April 30th, 2010
Stylish Illuminated Bicycle Coats, Fashioning Technology, April 29th, 2010